Restructuring Update Plan for Dec/Jan

Instead of doing a big fancy update I've decided to do the update-feedback loop style that I've done for the game over the jam. Meaning rather than a big fanfare release, I plan on doing small updates to polish it up. The reason for this approach is I won't be able to make the initial deadline I promised but I do want to polish it for you fine folks. My inability is due to a lot of IRL events and I just need to slowly get back into the swing rather than rush it to the finish line. I will at least provide a small update before the end of the year and hopefully finish updating it before my next semester starts. I thought I had time to spit-shine it before the new year but I've been feeling a lot of distress and currently waiting for an update from my doctor to see if its either a physical imbalance or if its just all in my head. ๐Ÿ˜…

I'll be making a new post about the game over on Weight Gaming for when I do roll out these small updates. (I'll update the link to redirect to the post when I make it).

I'd also like to say that due to the way I wrote this game, some planned features will be very troublesome to implement so I've decided to leave them on the cutting room floor. I'll make a postmortem post in the far out future to talk about this game's development and where I flopped. But hey, what are sequels for if not to try again and go bigger? ๐Ÿ˜‰Its still up in the air since I need to get around to updating Chowdown Showdown, so let's add it to my pile of "games I want to make" which is ~40+ games haha ๐Ÿ˜†[I'm serious about the number, I'm keeping count ๐Ÿงฎ]

By the by, if your having trouble running the downloadable version, you'll need to use a local webhost like WAMP or XAMPP to run it due to browser's web protection for GMS2 HTML5 games. Hopefully this'll fix those pesky black box bugs.

Thank you for your continued support and interest in this game! Have a happy! Have a happy! Have a hap-hap-happy New Year! ๐Ÿฅณ

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I downloaded XAMPP but do not know how to start the game with it.

Apologies for the late reply, and happy new years! I've downloaded that version so once I figure out how to run it on my side then I'll be able to answer this question for ya ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘

I've figured out how to run it in XAMPP, but someone also helped me make a stupidly simpler solution to the problem. But I'll go over both:

For XAMPP, from the control panel, click on "Explorer" on the right to open the file location for XAMPP and open the folder "htdocs". After unzipping the game into its own folder, move the extracted game folder into the "htdocs" folder. Now just Start a module from the XAMPP control panel and open your web browser. The game will be hosted at "http://localhost/<game>" where "<game>" is the folder you put the game into.

For the simpler solution I just set up thanks to PeachClamNine, you now just need to unzip the folder and run the "" script to get it running :3 I always forget to ask other folk since they might have easier solutions that I'm not even aware of XP

I hope this helps finally! Have fun gaming! :3