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how does the crafting work i dont get it

Punch objects that are in a 3+ group to merge them into a new item. Some items will require a specific shape and/or workstation to turn into other items. Hope this quick explanation helps 😅


how to find/make a grenn fuser?

 please help!

Apologies for the late reply, the Green Fuser can be made by smelting a Green Bar from the Green Ore in the darkest cave, then arranging them in a + pattern on an anvil. Hope this helps, and happy gaming!

Deleted 326 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

I completely love this game! It's so much fun and I just get very mad at myself for my stupid mystakes XD. I did download it.

I didn't know that the 2nd level unerground was so dark I couldn't see anything so I just tried to make a campfire but, still, I only had on HP on the save, but.. I wish to restart... 

??How can you restart your save??

??What is the difference between the normal one and the JamEdition??

Thanks and Love the game alot. Hope that It get many updates.

I apologies for the super late response, but to help answer your questions:

You can make a new/restart save by navigating to "C:\Users\<name>\AppData\Local\thenthtilecraft" and you can rename/delete the save file to start a new.

The newer version V1.1 just adds player feedback so it feels good when you beat up stuff. I've also made a Linux port, which isn't much. So the newer version is just more visual then content based.

I hope these help! Thank you for playing. Also, do you know about berries/berry bushes? You can recover health using them in case you didn't know. I'm currently working on another project but I'll be coming back around to this (though it may not be until next year). Happy gaming!