
So, after about 2 weeks, I finally figured out some of the bigger issues that I was having such as implementing vector logic for collisions which should help with future collisions logic. (Vector logic was also the main issue I was having trouble with and only got the logic sorted out yesterday). I also fixed the power-up bug that caused the player to get stuck in the wall if they are close to the wall when you grab the powerup.

I also adjusted some of the ground controls so hopefully there is a little more skill with the combination of inflation and movement. There is also an added simple UI element to indicate the "fuel" level of the character so some tricks can be timed with the inflation.

I wanted to make a lil' dev note here since I had to rewrite the flight controls numerous times just to get vectors to work which I felt was harder than it should have been. Though I will say that I encountered many vectors in the classroom, I had hardly any experience with them in programming. I wanted vector logic since I was messing with a circle collision checking which doesn't play nicely with square collision checking.

I ultimately want to try and add a multiplayer capability to this game so that I can learn the networking logic games need and that I can apply it to other projects, so I hope you all look forward to this :3

Thank you for your time and interest, have a nice, fun, and wonderful day! :3

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Apr 21, 2023

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