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fetish tutorial command dosen't wor

Oooh nooo... Looking at the code I messed up on checking which parsed string to compare for the page entry TxT Thank you for letting me know!


No worries


Well I can't figure out how to take anything from a chest, and I don't know how to cast anything. I found a spellpage, but I'm guessing I need all of them to cast anything?

`Takeout` is the command your looking for to take an item out of a chest (if your facing it) or your inventory.

Spell pages are puzzles, you can `examine` or `read` a page to see what it says and to try solving it. You'll know if it's right when you try `cast [spell name] [target]` with target being optional for some spells. Note: Most spell names will "look" like normal words but will not.

Helpful Tip: Spell pages are not the only source for spell names ;3


Thanks for that. Still unsure about a lot of things here, like most crafting or building items, but that's something at least. Some of these puzzles are too much for me, like spell page D, the list of elements in that one house, etc. Also, I got a message saying "What would Steve do" at one point, and I'm not sure which Steve you meant. Doesn't seem like Minecraft Steve, since I couldn't do any mining or crafting over there, so...

The pickaxe just references MC Steve yes, and to mine stone you need to stand on a cave floor with the Pickaxe and `use` it. I probably could of written a tutorial on how the pickaxe functioned ๐Ÿ˜…
Hint: Spell page D's spell is 9 letters long. :3


so i think i figured out a puzzle or something with 188, i added and subtracted the atomic numbers for the elements and got 188. i have no clue where to use it but i guess i solved the "puzzle

This puzzle is trickier, but you don't need the atomic numbers ๐Ÿ˜‰


not sure if it is my pc or not but whenever I vore something the game goes black 

Thank you, I broke something when adding the digestion system. I also caught another bug with the vore system so thankies :3


You can create a cell phone control 


how do you use the bike pump? i gave it to an npc and asked it to but it doesn't work

Asked it to what? Anyways you can use the "use on/useon" command to use an item, then name a target. "me" refers to yourself, and "notme" refers to closest NPC, you can use the "help <command>" for additional details of a command and use "variant <command>" to see all synonyms of a command.

I'd like to know how you were trying to go about using it/playing it as I'd like to try getting the syntax to fit how most players may play :3


I tried using it while holding it and it said "you cannot use this alone" so I tried giving Tyler the pump and asking him to use it on me. He just didn't know

Ah, the fault would be of my own since that was vague enough to provide that idea. I should both update that fail response while also adding more NPC + Player interactions like that. I thank you for your feedback as I think I can make the game much more fun now :D